====== Merchant Details ====== ~~TOC~~ \\ In this section, we will learn how to set up an account. Let's start with the **Merchant Contact Details** as per screenshot below: ===== Merchant Contact Details ===== ^ Merchant Contact Details ^ Description ^ | DBA Name | Doing Business As - Business Name as it appears in the activation report | | Contact Name | Main Business Contact | | Phone | Merchant's Phone Number | | Email | Invoice Email | | Website | Merchant's website (if applicable) | | City | As it appears in the activation report | | MCC | Merchant Category Code (Provided in the activation report) | | Address | Business address as it appears in the activation report | \\ %merchants_contact_details ===== Merchant Portfolio Settings ===== ^ Merchant Portfolio Settings ^ Description ^ | Gateway | Worldnet Payments or 3rd Party Gateway | | Merchant Portfolio | This is available to group merchants under one portfolio and to create a portfolio administrator who can access, add and modify merchant groups under that portfolio. | | Partner Portfolio | This is a filtering option for grouping merchants on the admin system. This option doesn't allow for any specific access or merchant modifications. | \\ %merchants_portfolio_settings ===== Merchant Pricing Details ===== ^ Merchant Pricing Details ^ Description ^ | Pricing Type | If changed for terminal the price will be allocated | | Pricing Templates | If the merchant is part of a partner portfolio, a template can be made to apply to all merchants and it will be applied for merchants included in the portfolio | | Monthly Fee | Fixed Monthly Base Fee | | Monthly Fee Type | Included transactions | | Included Transactions | Monthly number of transactions included in Base Fee | | Per Txn | Charge per transaction after included transaction limit reached | | Transaction Classification | If "All" selected, the merchant will be charged for any transactions including approval, declined, referral or void whereas if "completed", they will be charged only for approved transactions | | Per 3DS (+) | Charge per 3DS transaction | | Per eDCC (+) | Charge per eDCC transaction | | Per Token (+) | Charge per Secure Token transaction | | Per SMS | Charge per receipt or notification sent by SMS | | Max Mind Request | Security feature - Contact Support Team for more information | \\ %merchants_pricing_details ===== Merchant Charging Details ===== ^ Merchant Charging Details ^ Description ^ | Charging Currrency | Invoice's currency | | VAT Exempt | Check this option if merchant is legally VAT exempt | | VAT Number | Merchant VAT number | | Billing Type | Invoice or Direct Debit Bank Details | | Do not bill next month | Check this option if merchant should not be billed the following month | | Reason | Reason for not bill | \\ %merchant_charging_details ===== General Setup ===== ^ Merchant General Setup ^ Description ^ | Share All Secure Tokens| This configuration enables a Merchant to define that all the Secure Tokens in its Terminals should be shared amount themselves or not. | | Share Secure Tokens from deactivated terminals | Depends on enabling "Share All Secure Tokens". Allows merchants to also use the Secure Tokens of Deactivated Terminals. In case the merchant is already associated to a Merchant Portfolio with this configuration enabled, this one is automatically enabled. | | Enable Single Transaction Limits | Enables the Merchant to have general limits for single transactions on its terminals, regarding or not rules like: CVV and AVS verification. | | Customize Register Secure Tokens Button Text | Enables a merchant to define the text for a Secure Tokens registration button at the Payment Gateway side for customers' interfaces. | \\ %risk-control_transactions-limits_merchant_1 ==== Enable Single Transaction Limits ==== If selected, this option enables to configure a Merchant with limits for single transaction in all of the Merchant's Terminals. %risk-control_transactions-limits_merchant_2 \\ This feature is useful in cases a Merchant needs, given risk policies or business rules, define limits to avoid charge backs or constant declines for purchases which are being normal limits. Let's consider the following case: * **I)** A Merchant wants to permit its terminals to allow transactions regardless the value, but * **II)** In case the transaction can't verify AVS, limit each transaction to a maximum of EUR 1000.0, or * **III)** In case the CVV can't be verified, limit each transaction to a maximum of EUR 100.0, or even * **IV)** If none can be verified, limit each transaction to EUR 10.0 %risk-control_transactions-limits_merchant_3